World-Famous TV Lady Doctor comes forth and blows the lid off the conspiracy to keep you unhealthy, fat & just plain sick...
"The Reason You Can't Lose Weight has Nothing to Do With Your Will-Power, Over-Eating or the Right Diet! ... The Reason You are Fat and Unhealthy is Because You Have Disgusting Plaque and Horrible Little 'CRITTERS' Living in Your Guts!"
"...And Now I'm Going to Show You How to Get Rid of All of It so You Can Shed 10 lbs, 25 lbs, 50 lbs even 100 lbs or more - and Keep It Off FOREVER!!"
Ask yourself
Do you really want all this junk living inside your guts?
This is harmful Plaque - Everybody has it. But to keep from getting sick and to be able to maintain a healthy body weight you MUST get rid of it now!
If you don't, it will eventually cause you to not be able to lose weight (regardless of how much you diet and exercise!) and eventually it will kill you!
These are harmful Parasites- Everybody has them. If left to live and breed inside your stomach, small and large intestines and colon, they will eventually cause you to puff up, gain lots of weight, get sick more often, and take many, many years off your life!
They use your body as a 'Food Storehouse' and so they can live and breed by the millions. But now it's time to flush them out and down the toilet for good. If you don't they will just make you fatter and much, much sicker!
Would you trust anything living in your bowels that has teeth but NO eyes?
"Most doctors, so-called diet gurus and fitness experts are either lying to you, or just plain don't know what they're really talking about!"
That's Right! This lady Doctor is Ticked-off at Everyone for Lying to You!! ... And Now She's Putting an End to It for Good!
...But Will You Listen to Her???
9:08 a.m.Wednesday
Dear Friend,
I really do care about you! - And I want to be YOUR Doctor! ...
Although I've never met you face to face, I do in fact care about you very much. And it saddens me deeply that despite assurances from the people you believe you can trust, you are nonetheless being lied to every single day.
In fact, this very fact alone literally breaks my heart.
Here's the straightforward TRUTH: Doctors, Diet Food Companies, and Health Professionals are now lying to you, and have been lying to you and everyone else for decades.
That's easy! - Just look around you as more and more diet foods, magic diets, diet fads, health foods & even drugs supposedly designed to make you lose weight become available, people are nevertheless getting FATTER and FATTER and LESS and LESS healthy!!
You don't need such-n-such medical agency or someone at CNN telling you a bunch of fluffed up statistics and misleading numbers when all you have to do is ask yourself this easy question:
"Why is it that we have 21st century medicine and the greatest resources available to us on earth now more than ever, but people are just getting fatter and more and more unhealthy?"
Never let anyone argue against your reasoning, and keep this question in the back of your mind no matter what - and regardless of what someone else may say!
More importantly, try asking this question above to everyone you know, including doctors and health professionals, and see what kind of answers they give you.
I already know exactly what responses you'll get from them:
"It's not an easy thing to answer." (Yes it is - just say it, doc!)
"The answer is far more complicated than the question." (Not really, what are you hiding, doc?)
"She [me] is only interested in selling you her diet book." (I'm really just trying to save your life!)
"People have no self-control." (If this were true humans would have died off ages ago due to eating themselves to death - and many doctors rely on this answer above most of the others! Ridiculous!!)
"There are more fatty foods out there today." (And you know this is a load of crap because $100 millions of dollars are being spent on the manufacture of so-called healthy foods today than ever before - yet a WHOPPING 68% of most people living in North America alone are considered OBESE! - And even other nations are starting to see the 'bulge!')
What's worse is if you actually settle for their answers and just assume that everything is going to be fine (but it won't!)
If you don't act now, you may not live much longer!
As a doctor I've seen far more than my fair share of people who were alive one day and then dead the next.
What really SHOCKED me was when talking to their loved ones a tad later to actually hear some of them say such things like:
"He seemed so healthy!"
"She was so young, it's not fair!"
"I don't understand, he ran 5 miles a day!"
"What a shock, she ate only the healthiest organic stuff!"
"Something else must have caused it as she was a vegetarian."
...and so on.
And before I say one more word, I want to assure you that I do NOT for a single second ever wish to hear "bad news" such as this about YOU!
Like I said, even though we've never met I do in fact really care about you.
How is it possible that I care so much about you?
Because even though we have never met, I do understand that like me you also have people close to you. Under different circumstances and had we actually met, who knows, you may have become one of my closest friends.
Or, look at it this way: I have a sister, and two brothers, as well as a mom and a dad just like you too have a family. And I wouldn't for one second want to ever hear anything bad as ever happening to anyone of them.
So likewise, you could just as easily have been my brother or sister, or someone close to me --- and it would tear my heart out if anything ever happened to someone I loved.
I want us to become close friends starting "YESTERDAY!"
Time is one of those things that before you know it you end up saying things like "where's the time gone" and "wow! It seems like only yesterday!"
And because things just seem to be happening today faster and faster, time is now a much more cherished commodity!
And since time is so precious, I don't want to waste a single moment more - but would like YOU to become my friend starting "yesterday!"
I promise as your new friend never to lie to you (like all the others) and to only give you the absolute truth (absolutely UNLIKE all the others!)
I want you to think of me as your "guardian angel" - literally someone who's willing to watch over you when nobody else will - or even when YOU may fail to watch over yourself.
And I'm perfect for the job as I've been told by everyone I know that I care more about people and want what's truly BEST for them more than anyone else they've ever met!
Maybe I am tooting my horn a tad - but what I'm saying to you now is completely the truth!
And if you want to put me to the test, I'm willing to accept your challenge all day long.
I will do everything to be your best friend and help you:
1. Lose weight (and really keep it off for good!)
2. Live longer!
3. Feel great (and all the time!)
4. Get rid of any conditions (and even disease when others said there was no hope!)
5. Stay fit, feeling good, looking younger and more "vitalized" than ever before!
With what I'm going to give you just 2 minutes from now and only one click away, you will become "super-charged" with new exciting health!
You WILL lose the weight (and regardless of all the BS and other fads and diets you've tried before!)
What's so different about what I'm going to give you from all the others?
That's the easiest question of all for me to answer!
Here it is...THE TRUTH (finally revealed!)...
"The reason all the other diets, diet foods, organic foods, healthy foods, medicines and all the rest don't work in this modern technologically-amazing age is because THEY WERE DELIBERATELY DESIGNED NOT TO!"
Are you shocked? ... stunned? ... in disbelief? ... surprised? ... or even ANGRY?
You should be all of the above (but especially "ANGRY!")
Why should you be "angry" over all the others?
Simple: What if your mom died, and after an autopsy someone found out that she had been poisoned? Would you want to hunt the person down and kill them for poisoning your mom?
Of course you would (anyone would!)
But what you may not really be ready to accept is the fact that someone IS already poisoning your mom, your dad, your brothers and your sisters, and your closest friends!
And they're actually getting away with it!!
I know that last line above is perhaps scarier than everything else - i.e., the part about those poisoning everyone and them getting away with it.
Here's a fact that may shock the daylights out of you!...
Japan refuses to accept a single export from the United States in meat & dairy produce!
Now, what does that tell you? That Japan is snobby? Nope! That Japan citizens hate milk and meat? Come on, you know better than that!
What it REALLY tells you is that the Government of Japan is on to something few (if any) people really know about! - That our foods have been filled with "unnatural" things that they aren't supposed to have!
And if you knew what I already KNOW, and if you saw what I've already seen FIRSTHAND, you'd be very, very ANGRY!!
I've had patients come to me and laugh at my advice, only to later suffer a stroke, get really sick, or even die!
Yet before when they were laughing off my revelations about the TRUTH, they seemed like they knew better than me - only a tad later their own health PROVED them wrong - VERY WRONG!
And I'm not proud of the fact that they refused to listen to me - again, it broke my heart because like I feel about YOU, I felt about them too!
But enough dilly-dallying! ... Let's get down to the nitty-gritty! ...
Do you REALLY want to lose weight? (Please answer 'Yes!')
Do you really want to look sexier and slimmer? (Again, please answer 'Yes!')
Do you really want to look and feel YOUNGER? (Ditto above!)
Do you really want to be forever free of sickness and disease? (Ditto above!)
Do you really find it such a surprise that food & drug companies profit off you being sick?
And did you understand everything I said above about how other diets, diet foods and drugs and medicines are actually "deliberately" designed NOT to work at all - but just make you sicker? (Ditto above!)
Check any one or more:
If you answered 'yes' to anyone one (1) question above, then there's hope for you.
If you answered 'yes' to any two (2) questions above, then I'm convinced you may be a little willing to get serious.
If you answered 'yes' to any three (3) questions above, then I suspect that you could really start making a difference with a little extra effort and some willingness to go further.
If you answered 'yes' to any four (4) questions above, you have 80% of what it takes to succeed very soon!
But if you answered 'yes' to ALL FIVE (5) of the questions above, then you are 100% ready NOW (not next week, or worse never!) to get started TODAY and forever change your life for the very BEST!
But I don't want you to make up your mind just yet - I want to show you real results first (then you can decide if this is really right for YOU!)
Nothing speaks louder than real living and breathing RESULTS ... and that's exactly what I have for you at
At Top Secret Fat Loss Secret
Rather than tell you this-or-that, just browse the pics sent into me by people I've already helped...
Plus, here are just a few other results from people just like you!...
All these people used my "Top Secret Fat Loss Secret" and now feel better, look better, are way healthier, and have now added years to their lives - not to mention a better quality of life altogether! - And YOU can too!
These people had tried diets and fitness routines, probably just like you have been doing! ... And just like you, they failed miserably time after time! ... But then they found out the TRUTH about foods poisoned by dangerous chemicals that resulted in Plaque, and how food companies actually put in Parasites deliberately designed to make you fat and to make you sick - and they got rid of all that junk using My Breakthrough Secret!
Listen, I'm sure I don't have to twist your arm to make you understand and see the truth here, right?
I mean, just look around you at how many people you know who keep failing over and over again with diets and fitness routines supposedly designed to make them fit, lean and healthy.
Doesn't that smell a little fishy to you?
It makes sense that if diets were really meant to work then you'd hear more and more stories of people who used them successfully.
But that's NOT what you hear at all!
Instead, all you hear about are your friends complaining that they've been starving themselves to death -- yet still have trouble losing a single pound!
The main reason this is so is because dangerous parasites living inside their guts (and even YOURS!) excrete chemicals (waste products) that travel to your brain and tell your "hypothalamus" to make you store more and more fat for THEM to eat!
In other words, these parasites are making you a GIANT 'food factory' for THEM to eat! YUCK!
Imagine how easy it is to get this one parasite alone! It's in poorly cooked fish and actually lays eggs inside your bowels. (You know this is true or else why do we always say "close the lid on the toile" to keep our pets safe from drinking parasite-laden water?)
Even your bladder is not safe from harmful parasites that lay 10,000s of eggs!
Now watch this disgusting video of a real parasitic worm trying not to be stirred out of someone's bowels ...
Parasites can even become "mineralized" and block your body's ability to absorb nutrition properly! ...
These little critters are no joke! They are DEADLY!
Not only can they hurt you while they are alive inside your guts, but they can die and then become mineralized (just like a fossil!) and cause painful swelling, blockages and other harmful things.
Do you really want all this junk inside you?
But wait! ... There's even more gross junk inside you (even right now as you're reading this!) ...
I know you'd rather leave this site right now than accept the fact that all this junk is in fact living and sticking to your insides.
I mean, who wants to know they have such filthy little critters and such dangerous plaque inside their bowels?
But you must face facts rather than turn and run away like a coward (cuz if you do that then there's absolutely NO hope for you!)
I promise this is the last gross thing you have to look at-- but I want you to see this.
Once you get these "spots" inside your intestines you're almost ready to cash in as your health is really in danger. I mean, ask yourself and using common sense, do these spots look like something healthy to you?
Plus, to get well, stay healthy, and lose harmful excess fat from your body, and furthermore to destroy any the threats now living inside you and others that could later harm you, you must shed the "skin-like" material .
But don't worry. I'll give you the Secret to once and for all getting rid of all this terrible junk that's out to kill you - and after making you fat and unhealthy!
But enough of grossing you out -- I'd rather just cut to the chase and tell you what I am going to do to help you once and for all -- and to cure your problems and from you from being fat and getting sick! ...
I'm going to blow the lid off the best-kept secret in the world:
Precisely how YOU can immediately "poop-out" all these horrible things including the dangerous plaque and horrible little 'critters' that are keeping you fat, making you sick, and which will eventually kill you!
That's right! I'm making it my business to make you well!
While your doctor may already tell you that this is his job, has it worked for you so far?
Also, 99.8% of most doctors would rather you get sick and stay sick as that's how they earn their living!
Not me. I'm committed to making you well (and FOREVER!)
More real unsolicited testimonials and amazing results...
I get emails all day long (ask yourself how much positive email do other so-called diet, fitness & weight-loss experts get in their day's mail? - You may be surprised at just how little, or worse, they get hate-mail!)
In a single day I often get 100 to 450 emails where people tell me how much my Top Secret Fat Loss Secret has forever changed their lives for the absolute BEST!
Honestly, nothing would make me happier than to add YOUR NAME & PIC here in my next updated version of this same website!
So please, get my Top Secret Fat Loss Secret NOW, and so you can join the ranks of all my other success stories, and maybe possibly even so that you can be featured here next!
I'm going to go as far as to twist your arm to make sure you do the right thing for your health, and so that you absolutely lose weight, feel like a million bucks, look incredibly sexy, and live a whole lot longer! ... And starting TODAY!
I could be like everybody else and just tell you what I have to offer, and then let you decide sometime next year whether you are ever going to do anything about your current condition.
But that's not my style!
I'm going to wrestle with you if I absolutely have to -- even if it means twisting your arm and getting you in a headlock, and just so that you'll get off your butt and make the right choice NOW! (And not later when I might just be forever too late!)
I have 2 Options for you with my Top Secret Fat Loss Secret:
I'm not going to waste your time nor mine! I've been told that although I care about everyone, I'm still very much a no-nonsense gal! And why not? I mean, would you rather me just sugarcoat everything for you (in other words lie to you!) or tell you the hardcore facts and get you to do the right thing for yourself and your health and body?
So I'm giving you 2 great choices from which to decide which is BEST for you!
Secure Application Form:Top SECRET Fat Loss Secret!!!
Option #1: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Pro Version - This is my most commonly sought after plan! It will allow you to discover forever the absolute truth behind why you're fat, and how to permanently get rid of your extra fat, puffy bulges, and the spare-tire and huge booty that brings you down (no pun intended! Ha!)
Option #2: Top Secret Fat Loss Secret - Hardcore Elite Version - This is my most exclusively sought after plan for people who are willing to get a tad HARDCORE! This Plan is only for those who wish to declare nothing short of absolute WAR on their fat, and who have a take-no-prisoners attitude!
It will allow you to forever destroy the curse of fat and obesity from chaining you down in your life, and how to get in the sexiest shape you never even imagined possible for you!
The Clock is ticking
Regardless of which of the above Plans you chose, don't forget: The Clock is counting down to make absolutely sure you do the RIGHT thing and make the right choice NOW (rather than put off, get fatter, get even more and more unhealthy, and you know what happens next - right?)
So make absolutely sure you take action now (don't wait - because you're certainly not getting any slimmer, any sexier, or any healthier sitting here doing nothing!)
One last plea for your health
I created my Top Secret Fat Loss Secret just for you so please whatever you, do don't waste everything I've put in it to save your life, make you healthier, and make you sexier and fit!
Like I said above: Even though we've never met face-to-face, there's no reason I can think of why we can't become good friends starting yesterday!
I'm making the best effort I can right to reach out to you and help you strip that fat.
Other doctors just want to make money off you continually getting sicker and but not me. I want you well, lean, safe, sexy and super-health.
So do the right thing NOW.
Wanting the absolute BEST for you & your health!
PS ... Important Point to Remember: Thirty days from now, you could be just one month older and 8-12 pounds heavier,over weight, and God only knows how much un-healthier.
Or, you could be 28 days closer to your target weight - perhaps even 38 pounds lighter,effectively losing weight and which means a whole lot healthier! You decide which you'd rather be just 28-30 days from now.
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